About Us

Timace Digital was founded by Kevin and Klaudia, driven by a passion for creativity and innovation.

Full-Service Solutions

Personalized Approach

20 years of experience

Use Cases

Our expertise helps businesses across various industries solve problems and grow. From e-commerce optimization to integrated marketing for tech startups, our tailored solutions meet each client's unique needs.

Explore our team's use cases to see how we turn challenges into opportunities and deliver measurable results.

Our Mission

At Timace Digital, our mission is simple: to elevate businesses by enhancing their digital presence. We ensure that technological advancements work in your favor, making your digital journey seamless and impactful. We envision a world where every business, regardless of size, has equal access to the digital marketplace. By staying at the forefront of technological and AI advancements, we aim to open your brand to a world of possibilities, keeping you ahead of the curve.

Our Story

Timace Digital is the result of founders Kevin and Klaudia's shared passion for creativity and innovation.

Inspired by their Tour du Mont Blanc hike in 2023, they sought greater independence and wanted to leverage their 16 years of experience in digital marketing, e-commerce, content creation, and web development, leading to the creation of their digital agency.

Our Core Values

Freedom & Creativity
We believe in the power of creative freedom to bring about innovative solutions.
Transparency & Honesty
Our partnerships are built on trust, ensuring clarity and integrity in all we do.
Flat-Hierarchy & Responsibility
Every voice matters here, fostering a culture of mutual respect and accountability.
Our success is your success. We thrive on mutual growth and achievements.
We keep an open mind for changes in project development and adapt accordingly.
Open Mind
Keeping an open mind is key in an ever-changing and evolving world where we can learn something new everyday.
Client-Centric Customization
We tailor every project to the client's specific goals and brand identity, ensuring their digital presence is not only unique but also deeply resonant with their target audience.
Precision Project Managment
Utilizing a structured project management approach that emphasizes meticulous planning, clear communication, and stringent quality control to deliver projects on time and within budget.
Comprehensive Support
Offering comprehensive post-launch support, including performance optimization, security updates, and strategic digital marketing to ensure sustained growth and success online.
Cutting-Edge Technology Use
Harnessing the power of the latest in web development technology to create innovative, secure, and high-performing websites that drive success for your business.

Free Consultation

Connect with us to explore custom solutions tailored to your business needs. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand, our consultations provide the insights and guidance necessary to achieve your digital goals.