In our FAQ section, we address common inquiries with clarity and transparency. Here, you'll find answers to questions about our services, subscription options, delivery times, and more.

What services does Timace Digital offer?

Timace Digital offers a wide range of services including web development, digital marketing, branding, content creation, and employer branding. We cover all aspects of your online presence to ensure your business's success.

How does Timace Digital ensure privacy and data security?

We take privacy and data security seriously at Timace Digital. We adhere to strict protocols and industry standards to safeguard your information. Your data is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality to ensure peace of mind.

Can I request a consultation with Timace Digital?

Absolutely! We encourage you to schedule a consultation with us to discuss your project in detail. Whether you're a new business owner or looking to expand online, our team is here to provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals.

How experienced is Timace Digital?

With over a decade of web experience, our team at Timace Digital brings expertise, creativity, and dedication to every project. We've honed our skills over the years to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

What is the process for working with Timace Digital?

Our process is simple and collaborative. We start by understanding your goals and requirements, then develop a tailored solution that meets your needs. Throughout the project, we maintain open communication and welcome your feedback to ensure a successful outcome.

What makes Timace Digital different from other agencies?

At Timace Digital, our unique approach sets us apart in the industry. We offer a comprehensive range of services, including subscription-based solutions with task management systems, full-service options, and specialized offerings like web solutions and employer branding.

Our multilingual team, fluent in English, Swedish, Dutch, and Polish, ensures seamless communication and collaboration. We pride ourselves on our asynchronous workflow, allowing for flexible and efficient project management. With experience spanning start-ups, corporates, and local businesses, our team brings diverse expertise to every project, ensuring tailored solutions that drive success.