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From individual services to large scale projects.

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Web Development

From individual services to large scale projects.

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From individual services to large scale projects.

Event Management
Email Marketing
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Content & Branding

From individual services to large scale projects.

Brand Development
Brand Refresh
Content Creation
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Discover What We Offer

And See What's in Store for You

Let's take a closer look at what we can do for you. Each service we've got lined up is all about making your digital life easier and your projects shine. We're here to figure out together which tools and tricks will best fit what you're aiming for. Ready to find out?



Web Management
Dynamic Content Refresh
Dedicated Technical Assistance
Website Performance Analysis
Continuous SEO Upkeep
Social Media Synchronization
Data Protection and Backup
Security Surveillance
Software and Plugin Renewal
Infrastructure Management
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Web Development
Visual Design
Responive Design Across All Devices
SEO Web Building
Intuitive Navigation Creation
Ecommerce Solutions Setup
CMS Implementation
Web Performance Enhancements
Security Implementation
Acessibility Compliance
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Web Maintenance
Ongoing Security & Maintenance Upkeep
Prompt Issue Resolution
Site Speed Optimization
Adaptive SEO & Algorithm Tuning
Regulatory Compliance Updates
User Experience Refinement
Database Health Checks
Emergency Response Planning
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Recruitment Marketing
Content & Branding
Campaign Management
Digital Strategy Development
Targeted Advertising Campaigns
Candidate Nurturing
Analytics & Performance Optimization
Virtual Career Fairs & Events
Professional Networking & Engagement
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Event Management
Virtual Event Planning & Execution
Targeted Event Promotion
Employer Branding Showcases
Data-Driven Audience Insights
Recruitment Tools Integration
Feedback Collection & Analysis
On-Demand Content Access
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Email Marketing
Segmented Candidate Lists
Branded Email Templates
Job Alerts & Updates
Event Invitations & Reminders
Candidate Engagement Surveys
Performance Tracking & Optimization
Compliance & Privacy Practices
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We handle the details so you can focus on the big picture.

How We Work

Our process
1. Discovery: Understanding your unique needs and challenges.
2. Strategy Crafting a tailored plan that aligns with your goals.
3. Execution: Implementing the plan with precision and creativity.
4. Evaluation
: Measuring results and making data-driven adjustments.
Efficient Communication
Effective collaboration without the unnecessary time drain. No meetings for meetings.
Adapting and pivoting effortlessly in an ever-changing world.
Flat Heirarchy
Where every voice matters, and every individual's potential is recognized.
Having Fun
Here at Timace Digital, we love what we do and are looking forward to bring this passion to your project.

Frequently asked questions

Answers to the burning questions in your mind.

Have a different question?
Contact us!
How long does a typical project take from start to finish?

Project timelines vary based on complexity and scope. A basic website might take 2-6 weeks, while more complex e-commerce sites or apps can take several months. We'll provide a detailed timeline after understanding your specific needs.

What's your pricing model for services?

Our pricing is structured around a value-based approach where we align the cost with the quality and scope of the work delivered. We typically charge a portion of the project fee upfront, with the remainder due upon your satisfaction with the final product. This model ensures that we are committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet your needs, while also providing you with assurance in the value of our services. Our goal is to ensure transparency and fairness in our pricing, reflecting the significant value our services add to your business.

How involved will I need to be in the process?

Your involvement is crucial to the project's success. We'll need your feedback at key milestones, but we also strive to make the process as seamless as possible for you. Regular updates and checkpoints will be scheduled to ensure alignment.

What is your revision policy?

We typically include a set number of revisions in our initial proposal to ensure the final product meets your expectations. Additional revisions can be accommodated with an understanding of potential impacts on timeline and budget.

Do you offer support after the project is launched?

Yes, we offer various post-launch support and maintenance packages ranging from basic monitoring to comprehensive content updates and technical support. We can customize a support plan to suit your needs.

Contact our team today

We encourage you to reach out with our team today for a collaborative journey toward digital success.
Based in Delft, Netherlands. Previously based in Stockholm, Sweden.

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About us

Though Timace Digital is a new horizon in the digital landscape, our foundation is built on a rich bedrock of experience. Our team brings together years of pioneering work on diverse projects across various industries, embodying a depth of knowledge and innovation. Dive deeper into our journey, the expertise that powers our mission, and the vision that drives us forward