Express Services

Discover our Express Services, offering fast and flexible solutions without long-term commitments. Designed for efficiency, these services deliver tailored results promptly and hassle-free.

Services Overview


Basic Webshop
Standard Webshop
Advanced Webshop
Shop Maintenance
SEO Optimization

Web Services

Basic Website
Standard Website
Advanced Website
Website Maintenance
One-Page Website

Content & Branding

Video Editing
Brand Creation
Brand Revamp
Brand Enhancement
Design Assets


Basic Webshop

Creation of a basic but good-looking Shopify online store with all the necessary implementations to get your business off the ground.

Home-Based Businesses
Start-Up E-commerce Ventures
Local Artisans & Creators
Small-scale Merchants
Special Event Retailers
€500 - €2000

Standard Webshop

Creation of  a diverse range of standard webshop options tailored to suit various retail and lifestyle needs, including specialty retailers, consumer goods outlets, and independent stores.

Retail & Lifestyle Store
Specialty Retailer Store
Lifestyle Brands
Consumer Goods Retailer
Independent Retailer
€1500 - €5000

Advanced Webshop

Creation of an advanced webshop, featuring unique features such as multi-vendor marketplaces, custom product configurators, and membership-based e-commerce platforms, tailored to elevate your online business presence.

Multi-Vendor Marketplace
Online Marketplace
Custom Product Configurator
B2B Wholesale Platform
Membership-Based E-commerce
High Volume Store
€4500 - €20000

Shop Maintenance

Enjoy peace of mind with our comprehensive webshop maintenance, ensuring smooth product management, efficient payment processing, optimized inventory control, enhanced SEO and site speed, regular platform updates, and effective promotions to keep your online store running smoothly.

Product Management
Payment Processing
Inventory Management
SEO & Sitespeed Optimization
Platform Updates
Promotions & Marketing Campaign Management
€100 - €2000

Web Services

10 Days Development

Basic Website

A simple website with essential pages and basic functionality, suitable for small businesses or individuals looking to establish an online presence quickly. SEO Optimized.

Freelance & Portfolio
One-Page Website
Personal Blog
Event or Special Occasion Page
Online Resume or CV Site
Niche Service or Product Showcase
Landing Page for Lead Generation
€500 - €2000

30 Day Development

Standard Website

A more comprehensive website with additional features, customization options, and content management capabilities, ideal for small to medium-sized businesses seeking a professional online platform.

Business Showcase
Professional Blog
Service-Based Site
Event or Conference Site
Personal Branding Site
Community or Organization Site
€1500 - €5000

4-12 weeks

Advanced Website

A highly customized and feature-rich website tailored to specific business needs, incorporating advanced functionalities such as e-commerce integration, membership portals, or extensive backend systems. This option is suitable for larger businesses or enterprises requiring a robust online presence.

Membership Portal & Community Hub
Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)
Custom Web Applications & Tools
Online Learning & Training Platform
Niche Industry Solutions
€4500 - €20000

Up to 10 Days Development

Website Maintenance

Ensure your website remains secure, up-to-date, and optimized with our comprehensive website maintenance services, covering everything from content updates and security audits to performance optimization and compliance checks.

Content Updates & Management
Software Updates & Patch Management
Performance Optimization
Backup & Recovery
SEO Maintenance
Broken Link & Error Monitoring
€100 - €1500

Digital Marketing

Up to 10 Days Development

Lead Generation

In need of getting more clients, candidates or building your pipeline for later?

Pay-Per-Click Advertisements
Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, Google Ads
Creative Solutions: Videos, Carrousels, Forms
Target Audience Research
Conversion Driven Tactics
€250 - €3000

Up to 10 Days Development

Brand Awareness

Time to spread brand awareness about your brand in tailored video, carrousel or photo solutions?  

Social Media Advertisements
Optimized Content Distribution
Data-Driven Optimization
Target Audience Research
Traffic Driven Tactics
€250 - €3000

Up to 10 Days Development

Email Marketing

We offer a diverse range of creative email marketing solutions, designed to cater to various objectives such as candidate journeys, product launch promotions, and beyond, ensuring targeted and effective communication strategies.

Candidate Nurture Journeys
Job Alerts & Updates
Product & Services Promotions
Website Traffic
Valuable Content Promotions
€250 - €2000

Up to 10 Days Development

Webinars & Online Events

Our agency offers end-to-end support for webinars and online events, covering everything from planning and promotion to technical setup and post-event analysis, ensuring a seamless and impactful virtual experience.

Landing Page Creation
Managing Registration Process
Technical Setup & Support
Planning & Management
Post-Event Follow Up & Analysis
€200 - €2500

Content & Branding

Up to 10 Days Development

Video Editing

In need of getting more clients, candidates or building your pipeline for later?

Basic Video Editing (Trimming, cutting, and merging footage)
Advanced Video Effects & Transitions
Color Correction & Grading
Text Overlays, Titles & Captions
Audio Editing & Enhancements
€100 - €3000

Up to 10 Days Development

Brand Creation

Time to spread brand awareness about your brand in tailored video, carrousel or photo solutions?  

Brand Strategy Development
Brand Identity Design
Brand Messaging & Tone of Voice Development
Brand Story Development
Visual Asset Creation
€500 - €4000

Up to 10 Days Development

Brand Enhancements

We offer a diverse range of creative email marketing solutions, designed to cater to various objectives such as candidate journeys, product launch promotions, and beyond, ensuring targeted and effective communication strategies.

Brand Audit & Analysis
Brand Messaging Refinement
Visual Identity Refresh
Content Strategy Optimization
€500 - €5000

Up to 10 Days Development

Design Assets

Our agency offers end-to-end support for webinars and online events, covering everything from planning and promotion to technical setup and post-event analysis, ensuring a seamless and impactful virtual experience.

Logo Design
Graphic Design: Social Media Posts, Banners, Infographics & Advertisements.
Packaging Design
Website Design Elements
Brand Guidelines Creation
€150 - €5000

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Tailored Client Portal

All you need for a smooth collaboration with access to a client portal tailored to your project when you work with Timace Digital. An integrated solution that streamlines workflows and boosts efficiency.

All-in-One Project Hub
Intuitive & User Friendly Interface
Seamless Collaboration & Feedback
Centralized Project Management
Secure File Sharing
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